7 min readAug 23, 2021


Eve was created from Adams rib

Kommu Praveen Kumar

19 August 2021


welcome to through the word leading you on a journey to the entire Bible Genesis chapter 2 on through the word today where the story of God’s creation backs up just a little bit to give us a close-up account of the very pinnacle of all that God made the creation of man and woman it’s also the only story in the Bible that takes place before sin entered the world and rested here we get a little glimpse at life in paradise and here we also get a better understanding of what we were made for every one of us has an innate sense that we are indeed made for something but what is it who put it there how do we figure out what it is these are big questions and as a rule if you want to find answers to questions that big you’ve got to go back to the beginning which is exactly what Genesis is all about so let’s start in In chapter 2 verse 1 thus the heavens and the earth was finished and all the host of them and on the seventh day God finished the work that he had done and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done so chapter two starts with what is really the closest to chapter 1 God finished his work it took him six days and it was awesome so he decided to take the seventh day off we call this the Sabbath God rested after some very hard work and his rest was so good he decided to share it and verse 3 God blessed the seventh day and made it holy holy is one of the most important words in the Bible holy means set apart different from anything else it also means whole or complete not missing anything else actually, it’s a tough word to fully grasp but the Sabbath is a great picture of it one day a week is set apart totally different from the other ones it is special a time of rest a time to enjoy God’s fellowship the way we should enjoy our favorite family members when we rest and play together on vacation rest is another keyword in the Bible and you may want to check out Hebrews 4 for more insight on resting in God moving on the story backs up here from day 7 to day 6 now I do not believe that this is a different version of the the creation story as some suggest there’s not a single discrepancy between the two stories not one chapter two is simply a rewind today six for a closer look at something very important is the creation of man mind let’s read along at verse 7 then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living creature so God formed man from the dust of the the ground just like the plants and the animals before us we are all made of dirt and water that is astounding to me we are dirt because God designed us in this fantastic master plan in which I eat the bird and the bird eats the bug and the bug eats the leaf which grows from the bush that eats the dirt because we’re all made out of dirt we all share the same elements are only rearranged in the most spectacular ways but it are not the elements in our bodies that makes us special as humans nor do they make us alive we are made of Earth but it is the image of God that connects us to heaven and it is the breath of God that made man a living creature in verse 7 the breath of God brings life and do you recall something else that has the breath of God 2nd Timothy tells us that all Scripture is god-breathed the same breath that brought dirt to life brings the Bible to life as we read it so Adam is alive and God set him in a the garden called Eden then at the end of verse 9 the tree of life was in the midst of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil so there is two important trees the first tree was awesome and this tree is God’s will for us what God wants for us is the life I don’t know how the tree of life worked but I know it was good reading on we find three great gifts from God to man and in In these three we will see the purpose and calling of man it begins in verse fifteen with work the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and keep it now you may picture paradise as a place free of work but that would be an empty existence God gave the man a job with purpose and productivity a place to apply skills and accomplish after the work God gave Adam a will not like an inheritance the will given to Adam was God’s intentions and directions as in God’s will be done God’s will for Adam comes in the form of a command in verse 16 and the Lord God commanded the man saying you may surely eat of every tree of the garden but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die so God told Adam don’t eat the bad fruit or rather don’t kill yourself but is that all there is to God’s will for us just one great big don’t some people seem to think so but read over verse 16 carefully the command starts with freedom the NIV translation begins you are free God’s will for us from the very outset is freedom how much freedom Adam is free to eat from any of the amazing trees in Eden all except one and here we have a conundrum is it truly freedom if you can’t do everything but that’s just he could do everything Adam could eat the bad fruit he was told not to and warned of the consequences but he still had the ability to see Adam was given the truest kind of freedom the freedom of choice and real choice must have real consequences God gave Adam his will but Adam was never forced to accept it like all of us Adam was given the gift of free will first the work then the will and then just one more the the third gift begins with the very first not good in verse 18 then the Lord God said it is not good that man should be alone I will make him a helper fit for him so the first is not good in all of creation is loneliness Adam was alone and no other living a creature could fill the hole so God knocked Adam out took one of his ribs and from it made his greatest gift to Adam the cure for his loneliness a reason to work and the only suitable helper God gave Adam a woman now wives don’t misunderstand this God did not give the woman to Adam as one gives an object or toy she is the greatest blessing for Adam never underestimate the great honor and privilege that it is to be God’s blessing to another person that is where purpose and meaning come from a woman was not made for herself and neither was man-made for himself we were made for God and made for others God’s design for marriage is a beautiful one and far too good to get into detail here if you want to dig in further please check out our Bible audio guide series called love romance and marriage you can find the reading plan on the your version app or at bible comm just search the reading plans for the audio guide for now, take time to read Genesis 2 for yourself today and as you do notice that God’s creation of man and woman closes up in a very heavenly place the last two words of the chapter summarized it beautifully the two were naked and they were not ashamed now when you stop giggling at the naked part consider what it means to live with no need for shame what an amazing place to be in no shame no sense at all that I need to cover or pretend just simply content with who I am and what I’ve done this is the life that God intended for us from the beginning and this is the life that God has for us in Jesus God is bringing us back to a place where we never have to be ashamed again in Christ we are made whole pure and righteous as for me I am not ashamed of the gospel because Jesus took everything about me that I wanted to hide and he made me whole and righteous again only Jesus can bring us back back to the life that we were made remember faith comes by hearing and hearing through the word. Amen.




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