Gym & Fitness

4 min readAug 25, 2021


6 Best Workouts At Home To Build Your Triceps Fast

1. Diamond push ups 15 reps.

Place yourself in the diamond position. The only thing you want to make sure of is that you have a straight line down your body, down to your knees, but that your chest stays in contact with the ground and that your arms stay close to your sides. Let’s aim for a total of 15 reps. It’s important to remember to squeeze at the top. Reps should be slow and controlled.If you’re having trouble finishing your reps, don’t be afraid to get down on your knees and finish them that way. Keep in mind that the goal is to complete your reps without pausing.

2.Face tricep extensions 10 reps.

Return to your diamond position. Your hands will be slightly in front of you, so that as you go down, your nose will line up with the tip of your index fingers like this. It’s important to remember not to flare out your elbows after each rep when executing this exercise. You want to maintain them at a 45-degree angle by your side (sideways). Okay, go ahead and complete 10 reps.

3.Supinated bench dips 15 reps.

Place your hands such that our elbows’ ditches are facing forward. Full range of motion, from the top to the bottom. Take a chance. To effectively contract your triceps, you should lean back on them at the peak of each rep. Okay, so it’s supinated bench dips. This is a fantastic triceps exercise.

If they are a little too simple for you and you want to make them a little more challenging, consider elevating your feet on the way up to put more weight on your triceps.

4.Elevated diamond pike pushups 10 reps.

You’re gonna need an elevated surface for this.Get back into that diamond position,Pike all the way back, making sure your body is straight from your heels to your hips and hips to wrist. Go down straight with your head tucked under. Do 10 reps.Triceps exercise that is really challenging but extremely effective

5.Skull crushers, 12 reps.

This one will require a high surface. Also, put your hands in the following manner. You’ll need to keep your entire core engaged for this job. Simply lower your elbows, bring your heads through, and press back up. Make a total of 12 repetitions. Squeeze those triceps and lock out at the top. So, there you have it: skull crushers. This is a fantastic and powerful triceps exercise. You can do these almost anyplace. All you have to do now is locate a small ledge and begin knocking them out.

6.Assisted tricep extensions 8 reps each side.

Spread your legs just a little bit. On top of this hand, place the opposing hand. Perform a single arm tricep extension with the opposing hand, pressing down for support and then returning to the starting position. Aim for a total of eight reps. Take it easy and slow.

Okay, over to the other side. Place your opposing arm on top of this hand. Remember that the more you utilise your aiding arm, the easier the activity will become. It’s also important to utilise this arm as little as possible. Aim for a total of eight reps. Okay, now you know how to do aided tricep extensions.

Don’t worry if your triceps aren’t burning yet; there are two more rounds to go to finish this tricep workout.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. What are you still waiting for? Come on, work on your triceps.




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