Mystery city ‘SAMBHALA’

8 min readAug 23, 2021


Wonderful city Sambhala

Kommu Praveen Kumar

23 August 2021


I’ve been working extremely hard on the theme of ‘Sambhala’ in recent days. We have a lot of misconceptions about Sambhala being a beautiful city. It is not, however, a city. According to some, Sambhala is located in the Himalayas. However, it is not found in the Himalayas. This is one of many myths like it. All of these 12 lessons will be clarified: 2 chapter 18th part of Bhagavatam, 2 chapter 15th part of Kalki Purana.” The 10th avatar of Lord Vishnu is referred to as ‘Kalki.’ He will be born to a lady named ‘Sumati’ at the end of the Kali Yuga. Sumati’s spouse Vishnu Vyasa would die just hours before Kalki is born. His mother will likewise pass away within a few hours of his birth. Parasu Rama will then take Kalki to a cave where he will teach him literature and the Vedas. He’ll send him to Sambhala later. Kalki will be Shambhala’s 25th ruler. When, at the end of the Kali Yuga, people abandon their values, when the rules become thieves, and when Vampirism spreads, Kalki will ride in on a white horse from Sambhala, brandishing a raised sword and accompanied by lakhs of his army, and kill those who aren’t just and righteous, restoring law and order. The Kali Yuga will come to an end, followed by the Satya Yuga. This is something the epics teach us about. So, what is Sambhala, and why should we care about it? What happened to it, and where is it now? What will there be? How are we going to get there? So, let’s start with the first question. What exactly is Sambhala? Sambhala is not the city that we all imagine. It’s a dynasty. There are eight regions in that empire. A crystal mountain with nine stairs stands in the heart of Sambhala. It has a lotus-shaped time wheel mechanism on it. It was built by ‘Suchandra,’ the first king of Sambhala. ‘Kalapa’ is Sambhala’s capital city. 4000 years ago, the Pyramids were built. These massive pyramids may be found all throughout the world, not just in Egypt. They’re deep in the Amazon jungle. They’re in the highlands of Mexico. also The pyramids can be found in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, as well as in China’s deserts. However, even with today’s technology, we can no longer build those massive pyramids. How did they make them without technology in the early days of civilization, even before 4500 years? Each stone in each pyramid weighs roughly 3 tonnes. In each pyramid, there were 23 lakhs of these stones. How did they manage to get them to the top? This is the first inquiry. The second question is that Ayurveda has only been known in recorded form for about 2500 years. However, after 1000 years of Ayurveda’s existence, medicine is already available in Ayurveda to treat ailments that have arisen recently. How would Ayurveda be able to treat ailments that will arise in the future? The second question is that Ayurveda has only been known in recorded form for about 2500 years. However, after 1000 years of Ayurveda’s existence, medicine is already available in Ayurveda to treat ailments that have arisen recently. How would Ayurveda prepare medicine for ailments that may arise in the future? There are the most intelligent people who reside there. There is the most advanced technology available. They have the ability to travel through time. They have made touch with the extraterrestrials. Nothing is out of their reach. Because of this, they can travel into the future and advise us about Ayurvedic treatments for problems that we are currently confronting. Sambhala was the source of all Vedas. As a result, our Vedas contain several references to modern technology. They were able to do so because they had superior technology. Sambhala built the main energy centres on the region where the pyramids exist, using strange extraterrestrial technology. Aswarddama is in charge of Kalki’s army’s training. Do you want to know where the great empire is? That’s what I’m getting to. Humans can only perceive three dimensions. However, the fourth dimension is also present. That is, the concepts of time and space. We are unable to gain access to them. After the fourth dimension, there is a fifth dimension. The God dimension is what it’s called. Only gods and high-conscious individuals have access to it. There are seven Chakras in our bodies. They serve as energy conduits. In the same way, life exists on our planet. That, too, has entrances in the form of wheels in our bodies. We can travel to another dimension if we can reach the wheels in our bodies. We have the ability to be in more than two places at once. Within one minute, we can complete a full rotation of the Earth. We have the ability to bend time and space. We have the ability to travel through time. Many people are attempting this in the Himalayas. Pyramids are earth’s high-energy centres. If we meditate in the Pyramids, the effect is increased many times greater than if we meditate at home. The Himalayas are our country’s most powerful energy source. If we meditate in the Himalayas, the effect will be 1000 times stronger than it would be elsewhere. As a result, Saints will travel to the Himalayas. So, who is going to engage their wheel and travel to another dimension? They can see the kingdom of Sambhala. The kingdom of Sambhala is multi-dimensional. Humans are unable to see it. It does not appear on Google Maps, nor does it appear on GPS. However, we can only locate that frequency in the Himalayas to bring our energy flow into that visible range. For instance, suppose you have a phone with a weak signal sim. You must make a phone call from your bedroom to speak with your friend. You were not able to receive a signal. So, what would you do if you were in this situation? By simply saying hello! You’ll emerge and converse where the signal connects. Is that it? Similarly, if you want to visit the dimension of the Sambhala kingdom, you can do it in the Himalayas, which have a high frequency. As a result, everyone believes that Sambhala is located in the Himalayas. However, if you can activate high-dimensional consciousness, you will be able to do so. From your house, you can view Sambhala. Sambhala isn’t just in the Himalayas; it’s also in your head. However, if you question no one who is tired of coming to Sambhala, you will learn that thousands of individuals have tried for about 2000 years. One of them is Adolf Hitler. Nicholas Roerich was an explorer who attempted to reach Sambhala from 1924 to 1928 using Tibetan kalachakra mantra evidence. The major reason he chose Sambhala was to seek out an incredible stone known as ‘Chintamani.’ The stone that fell from the heavens to the earth is known as Chintamani. It possesses numerous abilities. If we hold this in our hands and make a wish, it will come true in a split second. We are free to go wherever we wish. In a nutshell, we can dominate the world with this formidable ‘Chintamani.’ That stone is currently in the kingdom of Sambhala. Roerich, on the other hand, was unable to achieve his objective. In his book, he detailed his experiences. While Alexander was still attempting to control the globe, he would travel with priests in pursuit of Shambhala. He ended up in India as a result of this process. Porus, an Indian monarch, stood up to Alexander at the time. Porus was defeated in the war in actuality. He did not, however, personally surrender to Alexander. After that, Alexander admired his bravery and left Porus’ realm. He passed across the Himalayas on his way back. He began looking for Sambhala. During this process, he came across a river known as “the Fountain of Life.” ‘If we drink that water, we will not die.’ There were numerous people surrounding the river when he considered drinking the water. Every single person on the planet has lived for thousands of years. Their bodies, however, remained still. They couldn’t move because of it. After learning this, he decided that drinking the water was a waste of time and departed the location without drinking it. He put an end to his plans to visit Sambhala. Many people claimed to have seen Sambhala and returned. They are the only ones who go by activating their chakras. Only those with a pure heart filled with love and wisdom are able to see Sambhala. That experience is palpable to them. Many residents and border soldiers in that area claimed to have seen gold flying saucers after using energy portals to travel to Sambhala kingdom in the Himalayas. Between the physical and spiritual planes is Sambhala. The heart is as crucial to our bodies as Sambhala is to the Earth. In the same way that impure blood in our bodies returns to the heart to be purified, impure water on the land returns to Sambhala to be purified. One of the holiest places on the planet is Sambhala. A butterfly emerges from a caterpillar when we reach higher dimensional consciousness. As a result, we can deliberately enter the Sambhala kingdom. Will Kalki genuinely come from Sambhala, as our final question implies? The Mayans predicted that the Kali Yuga will end in 2012. The world would end in 2032, according to Nostradamus. Alex Brazil calculated and predicted Kalki’s arrival in 2424 based on the novel “The Wheel of Time.” If he genuinely comes, you should realise that Kalki will appear in every religion. However, the name is different. Jews, for example, await the Messiah. Christians anticipate Jesus’ second coming. Shia Muslims await the arrival of Imam Mahdi. Buddhists look forward to the arrival of Buddha Maitreya. Every religion has a figure who appears at the end of the world, saves the righteous, and brings universal peace. In the same way, Hindus believe Kalki will appear. So, if you’re wondering when the Kali Yuga will end, it’ll be when human memory power deteriorates to the point where people can’t recall the phone numbers of their friends and relatives. When our physical power deteriorates, we become drowsy even when the fan is turned on. When religious disputes escalate, cleanliness declines, and tolerance, patience, compassion, and mercy are extinguished. When one individual loses control of another. When only sad people are born, or when they make other people sad. It denotes the conclusion of the Kali yuga at that time. Kalki will appear at that moment and slay these types of individuals. Sambhala people will arrive on this planet at that time, and they will dwell in peace, truth, and virtue. The Sun, Moon, and Earth will all be in perfect alignment at that time. They will pass through the ‘Pushyan Nakshatra zone.’ Then comes the ‘ego of veracity.’ Everyone will be pleased for the rest of their lives in that age. This is the riddle of the Sambhala kingdom.




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